The association of one or more MyKronoz accounts with MyScale is important to allow the scale to recognize all users in a household. If a person who does not have an account associated with the scale gets on MyScale, only their weight will be displayed and the data will be attributed to a guest rather than a user account.
MyScale can accommodate up to 8 unique users, and adding a new user to MyScale is relatively simple. The new user must download the MyScale application and set up their MyScale account on their own phone. If only one phone is used, the existing user must log out of the MyKronoz application so that the new user can set up their MyKronoz account via the MyKronoz application.
Once the new user has logged into the MyKronoz app, he/she must follow one of the following configurations:
- How to set up MyScale with an existing user account?
- How to set up MyScale without an existing account (creation of a user account)?
If your MyScale misassigns a measurement, you can reassign it to the correct user. Learn how to reassign or delete measurements here.